Press and Comments




Dear Dov and Stan,

It was a thrill to see you both during the PBS pledge breaks last night (first time I've ever been glued to the TV during pledge breaks!) and a thrill to see Montreal Jewish Memories shown on TV. What a coup for you - and how inspired of the fundraising team of Mountain Lake PBS to use your material this way.

After all these years, it was also a pleasure, tinged with sadness, to see so many familiar faces in your film, most of whom are no longer with us. Happy thought that through your series of films they are kept alive in our memories, just as much as through their memories the old days in Montreal are kept alive.

Janice Rosen, Archives Director
Canadian Jewish Congress Charities Committee National Archives


The latest instalment in Dov Okouneff's little-recognized gem of the documentary film series Montreal Jewish Memories, Post-War Stories 1945-1952, captures the reminisces of both the saviours and the saved during the period.
The clarion call was sounded by Canadian Jewish Congress president Samuel Bronfman, seen in archival footage, declaiming, "Our brothers and sisters call to us - we must not fail them."
The 52-minute film includes numerous interviews with those who were at the front line of effort to get Jews out of the displaced persons camps, such as the late Joe Kage, director of Jewish Immigrant Aid Services, and clothing workers union leader Maurice Silcoff. Many were youngsters who needed foster homes.

From The Canadian Jewish News,
November 6, 2008

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